What is IB-Aangifte (filing your income-tax)?
IB means, Inkomsten-Belasting (Income-tax). You have to pay taxes over your income. If you do not have any work and you are supported by a government budget (uitkering), this income is also subject to income-tax, just like many other kind of income you have had during the year.
Why do we have to have file the income-taxes? What is it for?
Over the whole year, you might have paid too much or not enough taxes. Therefore, the tax-organization must know whether you have to get some money back or pay some more to correct it. That is why they need to know how much you earned and how much taxes you paid. With all the additional information, it is calculated how much you should have paid/received in total.
Does it have to be done? Or is it my choice?
If you have gotten a letter in which it says that you have to file your taxes, you will have to do it. If you did not get a letter like this, you don’t have to do it, so it will be your choice. But you might be able to get some money, so it should always be checked through the program (we can check it for you).
What should you bring to our office in order to let your income-taxes be filed?
Other information on income-taxes
Discounts (this is information is from a 3rd party, to give you a global view of some information. It is possible that some of the deductions are not completely applicable).