Individuals (personal matters)

If we have already started the work for you and you indicate that we no longer have to complete it, you still owe costs. We also accept payments using the top 10 digital crypto coins.

All prices include btw tax

P1. Pricelist Income Tax Filing (Aangifte Inkomstenbelasting, IB)
1a. Digital Income-tax file secluded: basic-price € 55
1b. Digital Income-tax file with tax partner: basic-price € 85
1c. Digital Income-tax file not registrated in The Netherlands: basic-price € 80
1d. Income-tax file M-form (registration part-of-the-year ): basic-price € 120, price for digital € 95
1e. Digital Income-tax file provisional (voorlopige) or change: basic-price € 55
Extra prices:
2a. Request DigiD code: € 10
2b. Request login code for non-Dutch residents: € 25
3. 30% Ruling : € 35
4. Authorizing Sairam through DigiD: € 25
5. Extra prices if applicable:
— Possessions on bankaccounts (year 2019) of more than € 30.000/€ 60.000: € 25 – 100
— Houses, grounds or other possesions in other countries: € 25 – 100
— Costs for medical care: € 15
— Study costs: € 15
— Travel expenses for work: € 15
— Children: € 10
— Donations: € 10
— Bought/Sold a house in a year before the tax file: € 30 
— Bought/Sold a house in the year of the tax file: € 75
— DigiD authorization € 20 (with DigiD no additional costs)
6. Contracts, e-mails and letters made with AI (Artificial Intelligence): starting at € 50 

We can help you with income tax returns of the last 5 years!

P2. Prices Rent Benefit (Huurtoeslag)
1. Request for rent benefit: € 40
2. Request for rent benefit with partner: € 50
3. Changes in situation: € 20

Contact us for yearly for questions about the new year. We do not automatically take care of further years of your toeslagen.

P3. Prices Health Care Benefit (Zorgtoeslag)
1. Request for health care benefit: € 40
2. Request for health care benefit with partner: € 50
3. Changes in situation: € 20
4. Not living in Netherlands? Extra price on request

Contact us for yearly for questions about the new year. We do not automatically take care of further years of your toeslagen.

P4. Prices Child Care Benefit (Kinderopvangtoeslag)
1. Request for child care benefit: € 70
2. Changes in situation: € 20

Contact us for yearly for questions about the new year. We do not automatically take care of further years of your toeslagen.

P5. Prices Child Budget (Kindgebonden budget)
1. Request for child budget: € 40
2. Changes in situation: € 20

P6. Prices Child Benefit (Kinderbijslag)
1. Request for child benefit for child living in the Netherlands: € 70
2. Request for child benefit for child living outside the Netherlands: € 125
3. Changes in situation: € 10

Contact us for yearly for questions about the new year. We do not automatically take care of further years of your kinderbijslag.

P7. Prices Health Insurance (Zorgverzekering)
1. Register at insurance company: € 30
2. Register at insurance company with partner: € 40
3. Changes in situation: € 20

P8. Prices Other Matters
1. Writing letters, objections, statements etc.: € 30 – € 50. If digital is posible, the costs are € 15 – € 25
2. Mediation Request for mortgage: € 50
3. Requesting PGB (support budget for care): € 50
4. Requesting a payment-agreement: € 25 – € 50
5. Requesting to apply the average-income rule for connected years to receive a tax-benefit on income-tax
6. Request BSN: € 15
7. Request DigiD code: € 10

<- Prices for entrepreneurs/companies